It is a hydronic system that works with hot or cold water supplied by any type of generator: gas boiler, heat pump, geothermal, solar thermal.

No, it is not electric. Rather, it works with hot or cold water supplied by any type of generator: gas boiler, heat pump, geothermal, solar thermal.

The use of “hydronic” low temperature systems, ie water, allows the use of high efficiency heat generators that reach very high COP (coefficient of performance) (COP 5 and above).

Also thanks to the materials of which the Heatile system circuit is made (copper and brass), if necessary, the circuit liquid can be integrated with antifreeze.

HEATILE is a prefabricated and modular system, composed of a steel surface to which a copper and brass coil is made integral for the transmission of the fluid. The materials used are of high thermal conductivity and guarantee maximum performance.

In addition, at the bottom of each module there is an integrated insulation panel made of composite material.

Comparing HEATILE with other heating systems the advantages of the HEATILE solution are evident:

For a typical apartment of 100 m2, 8 hours of work by three operators are estimated.

Thanks to the quick coupling system, installation times are significantly reduced by 1:20 compared to a traditional system

(for the typical apartment of 100 m2 the difference between Heatile and traditional systems is one day versus about 20-25 days)

No, HEATILE does not need any construction work. The system and its hydraulic connection are laid above the existing surface in a floating manner.

On the contrary, traditional systems require the installation of plastic panels suitable for housing the pipe (also made of plastic material) on which the cement screed is then cast.

The HEATILE system modulates thermal comfort according to the user’s needs, obtaining important economic savings and consequently reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

It is now known that heat dispersion increases as the operating temperature of the system increases. For each degree of temperature, about 2% of energy is saved and, consequently, of heating costs.

For this reason, modern heating systems focus on low temperature systems (i.e .: condensing boilers, heat pumps, geothermal systems) combined with increasingly efficient insulation systems.

In order to use these systems, adequate radiant surfaces are required which can only be guaranteed by sufficiently large areas such as floors, walls or ceilings.

Traditional screed systems must be kept in constant operation with a consequent increase in operating costs.

HEATILE stands out from the competition as it allows you to manage systems in on / off mode; this is made possible by the rapid response of the system (by virtue of its almost non-existent thermal inertia) which avoids having to keep the heating constantly on and thus reduces consumption according to the habits of those who live in the house.

(This comparison was made considering a 100 m2 apartment, an energy requirement of 150 W / m2, 1,440 hours of use of the heating system (8 hours a day for 180 days), 0.09 € / kW as the cost of gas. and € 0.30 kWh as the cost of electricity)

The components of the HEATILE system are 95% recyclable.

Even in the case of renovations, the HEATILE system avoids demolition as it rests on the existing floor.

The other traditional underfloor heating systems are composed of non-recyclable materials, therefore considered when disposing of special waste.

HEATILE has a practically non-existent thermal inertia, and the transmission of the energy contained in the circuit water occurs almost instantly both thanks to the extremely conductive materials (stainless steel and copper) and to the thicknesses involved, which are very small.

Traditional screed systems (i.e. with high thermal inertia) reach comfort temperatures much more slowly, i.e. from 6 to 12 hours.

With HEATILE, thermal comfort is reached quickly, with a speed 10 times higher than a traditional system.

Yes, provided it is combined with an adequate dehumidification management system such as the Heatile H-Tron system, capable of managing the operation of the system in an integrated way.

Of course, thanks to the HEATILE H-Tron management system, able to manage the dehumidification operation in symbiosis with the underfloor cooling.

Since the HEATILE radiant modules are floating, therefore not integral with the slab, the transmission of sound waves is interrupted; moreover, since the modules are made from a composite of materials including soundproofing of different densities such as neoprene and polyurethane foam, an effective suppression effect of the various sound frequencies is obtained.

With the same coating used, the perception of noise as it passes is identical to any traditional floor.

Yes. Thanks to the HEATILE Mixing Unit it is able to mix the water supplied by the generator at a high temperature, bringing it to operating temperature without wasting energy.

(for the European market the reference standard, relating to low temperature heating systems, is the EN 1264-2 standard)

Yes. A floor or wall heating, operating at low temperature and mainly by radiation, avoids the strong convective motions generated by the radiators and consequently does not move dust as well as viruses, microbes and bacteria (the Covid-19 health emergency will make it necessary to evaluate of a new approach to the use of heating systems – in particular those with forced air – in favor of underfloor heating systems) in the environment.

Compared to classic radiators, there are large heated surfaces and small air movements are sufficient to distribute the heat.

This depends on the fact that the floor, walls or ceiling are not overheated as a radiant heating works with small temperature differences.

In relation to classic radiators, therefore, Heatile allows for large heated surfaces with which small movements of air are sufficient to distribute the heat.

Traditional underfloor heating systems are known to take a long time to reach the required temperature (6-12 hours).

This physiological “delay” in the response of traditional systems can determine, when sudden increases or decreases in the internal temperature of the house occur, temperature peaks that are difficult to solve if not with actions that are as extreme as they are inadvisable (such as opening windows in winter).

These sudden changes in temperature can be caused both by exogenous factors such as an increase or decrease in the external temperature, excessive solar radiation or by endogenous factors such as household appliances, a lit fireplace or, more simply, a particularly large number of people inside a single environment.

Heatile, thanks to its rapid response (due to its very low thermal inertia), is able to adapt even to sudden changes in environmental conditions by rapidly interrupting and reactivating the heat input in order to keep the environment thermoregulated, in real time, as the user wants it.

Yes, HEATILE is available on the market in the versions:

  • Tech: 60 × 60 or 60 × 120 cm modules without aesthetic finish;
  • Easy: 60 × 60 cm modules with aesthetic finish (stoneware, ceramic, wood, LVT, carpet) supplied by the customer. This model does not require sealing the joint and therefore can be dismantled (ideal for office or commercial use);
  • Ghostile: 60 × 60 or 60 × 120 cm for wall applications with quick fixing system.
  • GLA: 60×60 cm integrable with common panels for raised floors

Yes, through the HEATILE Mixing Unit which attaches to the connections of the existing radiator, replacing it and feeding the HEATILE system installed in the chamber.

In general, any type of stoneware or ceramic coating, parquet, LVT or carpet.

Special precautions are required for epoxy or cementitious resin coatings.


The HEATILE system weighs 12.5 kg / m2 (without aesthetic finish: tiles, wood, LVT, etc.) and saves about 80 kg of screed per square meter compared to normal underfloor heating systems.

13mm plus the covering to be installed.

HEATILE is the thinnest floor heating system and this favors its use even in cases where this possibility was, in the past, excluded due to construction problems.

Ghostile can be installed directly on the existing wall, the thickness in this case is 13mm, or placed on spacers to create a micro-chamber able to improve the insulation of the system performance as well as restore the wall itself, where necessary. In this case the thickness will be 13 mm plus the thickness of the spacer itself.

13mm plus the covering to be installed.

The modules are joined through a quick coupling mechanical system that works in all directions, thus allowing you to create, with the radiant modules, even very complex circuits and meet the needs of any environment.

HEATILE modules are installed on relatively smooth existing surfaces (tolerated differences in height ± 1.5 mm per linear meter).

HEATILE also has a special lower mat in neoprene capable of compensating for the roughness of the existing surface ensuring the necessary uniformity and flatness.

Yes, taking care to use elastic adhesives and special primers to improve the adhesion of the adhesives on the steel surfaces of the Heatile panels. It is also necessary to provide for the installation system for double-buttering ceramics.

No, the expansion of the modules is compensated by the expansion joints present on each module or every 60 cm or 120cm.

No, based on a thermotechnical calculation, the energy needs of each individual environment are established and then the system is designed with the radiant modules necessary to meet this need.

The remaining part (which normally corresponds to the perimeter of the premises) is completed by non-radiant panels of composite material in gypsum-fiber and neoprene of the same thickness as the Heatile radiant modules.

The HEATILE system is adequately calculated by our technicians according to the thermal needs of the building in which it is installed.

The system is supplied with the compensating material of the same thickness as the radiant panels which can be easily cut to dry complete the surface of the rooms.

The compensation panels are made of gypsum-fiber panels (composed exclusively of natural materials without the addition of chemicals: water, gypsum and cellulose from recycled paper).

No, the maintenance required is that of any hydronic system (e.g. periodic cleaning of the filters).

The HEATILE system, unlike all systems on the market, which are composed of plastic pipes, is composed of copper pipes – an antimicrobial and antifouling material – which allows to avoid anti-algae treatment cycles as the normal oxidation of copper offers natural protection.

The HEATILE Mixing Unit is made up of mechanical and electronic parts.

The mechanical components are:

  • Circulation pump
  • 3-way mixing valve with servo motor
  • Two-way valve with servo motor
  • Temperature probe on the flow

The electronic components are:

  • HEATILE motherboard with CPU (which contains the home automation management program), the control relays of the servomotors and the contacts of the control devices.

HEATILE specializes in the control of complex systems through simple and intuitive home automation capable of optimizing air modulation for dehumidification and floor cooling.

HEATILE H-Tron consists of a system control system that allows the user, via a 7 “touchscreen, to manage all functions, room by room, as well as the daily or weekly programming of the heating / cooling cycles.

It is also possible to connect the Heatile system to the home network and, by downloading the HEATILE APP, and then remotely control the system from your smartphone.

The system performs:

  • temperature control for each individual room;
  • humidity control for each individual environment;
  • constant monitoring of the state of the system;
  • control of system and generator operating alarms (power failure, block, etc.).

It is the combined effect of the storage capacity of a structure and its thermal resistance.

It can translate into the time it takes to bring the house to the desired temperature.

The efficiency of a heat pump in heating is measured by the coefficient of performance COP (Coefficient of Performance) given by the ratio between energy yield (heat transferred to the environment to be heated) and electricity consumed; the higher the COP, the more efficient the machine is and guarantees low consumption.

A COP value of 3 means, for example, that for each kW of electricity consumed, the heat pump will return 3 kW of thermal energy to the room to be heated.

The EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) similarly measures the efficiency of a heat pump in case of cooling.

In many cases (especially in the case of renovations) the characteristics of HEATILE make the overall installation cost of the system similar or even lower than traditional systems as the ancillary works (demolitions, traces, dismantling, etc.) are completely eliminated.

In addition, HEATILE guarantees: extreme speed of installation, almost non-existent thermal inertia, the possibility of home automation management even remotely via smartphone and accurate control of energy efficiency.

It is understood that the economic value of the system can only be determined through a preliminary project that the company provides free of charge, determined on the basis of a thermotechnical assessment of the energy needs of the environments in which the system will be installed.